The Future Of Work
Visiting the office today, a once buzzing floor of people speeding to conference rooms with coffee mugs perched precariously on laptops, a sea of highly specific technology and ergonomics, the prevalent din of chatter, and the clacking of keyboards…
Now sits silent.
If it were February 2020, between the projects and the calls and sprinkled among huddles and the all-hands, there would be a variety of non-work-related social microtime: the slack channel aptly named #buddy-bench where a “who wants to get lunch?” post brought together friends and new faces for a quick offsite bite. Or the #paper-games channel where lunchtime might consist of a couple quick rounds of board games and harmless trash talk and chit chat. Or a catch-up at the coffee bar. This is how we got to know indirect coworkers. This is how we solidified team relationships. This is how we built culture.
And then March arrived.
As my “home office” basically consisted of a laptop, a couch, and a chihuahua, I wasn’t the least bit prepared for the work-from-home life. I doubt my employer was either. As we shifted all interactions to Zoom and Slack, very quickly my work world shrank. I no longer crossed paths, discussed weekend plans, got to know, or shared philosophies with anyone outside of my team bubble. And even that felt strained. As we HQ’ers quickly learned, and what our remote team members had known for a long time, connecting with coworkers on a personal level in a virtual space is work. And as more and more companies delay the return to the office, or change their models completely…
How do you build culture in a remote world?
Teams For A Better Planet has the solution: education and community-building around the most important issue facing the planet: global climate change.
Sitting at the intersection of Climate Action and the Future of Work, Teams For A Better Planet believes that deep, emotional connections are built when teams do meaningful work together. Through climate education, problem-solving, and solutions-building, we bring teams together to better understand the planet and build team culture.
And these commitments and actions have never been more important. With climate change being one of the biggest social issues facing society today, employees are looking to their employers to start the conversation, present sustainability goals, and take a strong stand against climate change. According to a recent Unily study, 68% of employees ages 25-44 would be more likely to work for a company with a strong environmental policy. And not only that, 63% said they’d like to earn more green skills to become a more valuable employee in the workplace.
With Teams For A Better Planet, employees will exit the workshops with a deeper understanding of the climate crisis, the science behind it, and the tools necessary to empower personal and systemic environmental change. And most importantly, they will have accomplished this as a team. From small outfits to large corporations, Teams For A Better Planet is your dedicated partner in sustainability education and purpose-driven workforce team building.
To get started, email us at