Elevate Your Team’s Climate IQ

Teams for a Better Planet brings virtual workforces together to learn and build community around the global challenges that are shaping our world — starting with climate change.

Our Workshops

We bring science-backed workshops with hands-on education and engagement, programmed to leave employees feeling empowered to tackle climate change as co-collaborators with each other – and the world.

Our Clients


Attract and retain top talent by
engaging employees on climate action



of employees ages 25-44 would be more likely to work for a company with a strong environmental policy*



of employees would like to learn more green skills to become more valuable employee in the workplace*



of millennials say they would take a pay cut to work for a socially and environmentally responsible company**

*Source: Future of the Sustainable Workplace, Unily, August 2020
**Source: Cone Communications Millennial Employee Engagement Study 2016

Our Philosophy

At the intersection of climate education and the future of work, Teams for a Better Planet believes that professional relationships and strong work culture are not only forged but accelerated by a shared sense of purpose and meaningful action.

Team Leaders

With passions for the planet and backgrounds in climate science, policy, adult learner education, and team development, get to know our dynamic crew.

News & Climate Solutions

Keep up to date with the latest at Teams for a Better Planet and learn more about actionable climate solutions you can incorporate into your personal and professional life.

Making Workforces and the World

A Little Bit Better

“For a topic as serious as climate change, I actually left this virtual workshop feeling more hopeful and engaged than before. Having the opportunity to speak with my colleagues in small breakout groups about actionable change we can make really helped me break out of the isolated and damaging mindset that there is no hope for the future. I felt engaged throughout the presentation, and walked away with a renewed understanding that individual actions, though seemingly insignificant, can have a greater impact.”